Flexible. Fast. Simple.

Stay productive through less stress: The Chairless Chair

Ergonomics is a top priority: Working ergonomically, comfortably, and even more productively without changing your workplace - the Chairless Chair makes it possible. Simply put it on in a few seconds, and you'll be working with a healthy posture. You can switch seamlessly between active sitting, standing, and walking. The Chairless Chair sets a milestone, especially in the area of ergonomics! This innovation doesn't cost any money, it makes money, because with the Chairless Chair there are fewer days off, and capacity bottlenecks are reduced. In addition to being used in assembly, order fulfillment, and production activities in industrial settings, the Chairless Chair can also be used in many other sectors. Please feel free to contact us - we will analyze your workplaces together and test the use of the Chairless Chair at your location.

Example: Christoph experiences the Chairless Chair

Christoph is a mechanic. He likes going to work, but in the evenings he comes home increasingly exhausted and with back pain. Because he is not alone in this, his plant manager requests the Chairless Chair as a test project.

Johanna from noonee introduces Christoph and his colleagues to the Chairless Chair: a light, stable exoskeleton that can be worn flexibly on the body. In this way, the Chairless Chair relieves the strain on the back, knees, and neck. Everyone gets a short training session, with Johanna adjusting the Chairless Chair to the individual shoe and body size.

Christoph is surprised at how easy it is to put on the Chairless Chair. It takes less than a minute and it is ready for use. He feels that the Chairless Chair requires dynamic sitting. This is not strenuous, but rather supports his health. In the subsequent practical test, Christoph quickly realises that he can work much more comfortably with the Chairless Chair and that his performance is maintained. When he comes home in the evening, the work is finished- and he is not. Back pain is a thing of the past!

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